Available in monthly or annual options, recurring donations use secure auto-renew feature to draw payments at predetermined amounts and intervals.
All recurring donation options are tax receiptable. NEW: Tax receipts are for cumulative totals per year and will be issued annually each January.
If you would like to customize your monthly or annual recurring amount, please contact our box office at 250-338-2430 ext 1.
Click on a level for more details
Donors receive an annual tax receipt for their contribution and recognition in annual report.
Donors receive an annual tax receipt for their contribution and recognition in annual report, plus:
Donors receive an annual tax receipt for their contribution and recognition in annual report, plus:
Donors receive an annual tax receipt for their contribution and recognition in annual report, plus:
Donors receive an annual tax receipt for their contribution and recognition in annual report, plus:
PLUS custom recognition of the donor's choosing.
Price: $100
Price: $250
Price: $500
Price: $10
Price: $20
Price: $50