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  • Membership FAQ

    Presale Access

    When an event is eligible for an ENCORE! member presale, we notify our members list by email, however, the time frame of that notice may vary from an hour before the presale starts up to a couple days before the event.

    The reason for the variation often has to do with when we’ve been given permission to share the information or based on how many email notices are already being sent to members.

    ENCORE! member presale access is almost always granted by valid membership status and not a promo code. As long as you are logged in to our website with the account that has an active membership, you will automatically be able to access ticket selection when you click the “Presale Booking” button on the event web page.

    If you are not logged in, you will see the following screen with a prompt to log in.

    Presale Ticket Limits

    The number of tickets you can purchase during a presale will vary depending on the event presenter and the type of event. Any ticket limits will be mentioned in the email notice to members and/or on the event page.

    Sharing Membership

    Member benefits apply to the purchaser account, so not everyone using the tickets has to be a member. But the more the merrier! Membership numbers are very important for us when applying for funding and we are very appreciative of the support.